What to Do after Removing a post from my Site ?

I removed about 10 posts from my blog few days ago by deleting them from site’s WordPress account. Now I see Google Webmaster showing link errors and I don’t know what to do I just asked few people to know what to Do after removing a post from my site but mone of them give satisfactory answer. Will someone here tell me what are the essential things to remove all links and other stuff from site so that it remain safe from any -ve effect ?

Did WordPress get rid of image floating?

I build wordpress themes for clients from time to time and I just built a new wordpress theme the other day. I was about to turn it over to the client and explain how easy it is to change text and upload images with no coding knowledge, however…I ran into an issue. In the latest version of wordpress, it appears as though when you go to insert an image into your page/post, it no longer gives you the option to float it left or right. Instead it will only align left, right or center, which is a problem because it pushed the text down the screen, even if you are using a small image. I can obviously just write a single line of CSS and fix this, but for a client who has no knowledge of HTML and CSS, how do they float their images now?

How To: Change the Upload and Post Size limits on Stablehost and other cPanel controlled sites

I tried finding how to do this online, to no avail. This is the Technical Support answer, and it worked:

My website previously had a 2mb limit on photos. Since our cameras usually capture images of about 8 mb, I wanted to increase the limit to get better quality images on the site. Here’s how to do it: Requires access to your web hosts’ cPanel.

Modify the default PHP configuration by logging into cPanel and clicking on ‘Select PHP Version’ and then click on ‘Switch to PHP Settings’.

You will be forwarded to a configuration page which displays commonly used settings that can be changed. Once you make your adjustments, you will want to click ‘Save’ on the bottom. The two values you want to adjust are the Max File Upload Size, and the Max Post Size.

You’re all set on this end now– the server will allow larger uploads. You may need to use a plugin like this to make sure WordPress is configured properly. After that, you’re good to go!

"Lighter" plugin options? My site seems to be slowing down.

I recently added a related posts plugin called Related Posts Widget 123 withThumbnails on my website. I have reduced the related articles from 7 to 5 posts. Do you still think it’s slow? Should I do 3?

Does anyone know if this is faster or slower than the popular YARPP (Yet Another Related Posts Plugin?).

Secondly, I’m looking for a plugin that will popup and ask if they’d like to subscribe to the newsletter. I found this one but I’m worried it will slow down the site further.

I’m using a weak internet connection at the moment, do you feel the website is slow with all the plugins on it? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Looking for an affiliate plugin that pays out affiliates once a purchase has been made?

Hey guys, I’ve just tried using the Affiliate plugin with the woocommerce lite integration plugin, but it seems really difficult to use.

I’m looking for a way for affiliates to have an id eg http://ift.tt/1nTdtYD and that to be tracked through my woocommerce shop to the payment page.

Once a product has been sold and payment has been made, the affiliate gets a payment.

Does anyone know of a plugin like this?

It seems affiliate pays people on any click to your website, so rather than pay out when someone has made a purchase, it pays out when ever a link is clicked. This is not what I want :/ Any help would be great!

Does Anyone Agree that WordPress is on its Way Out?

They say it’s free, but self-hosted WordPress costs me about $500 a year because I have to pay programmers to upgrade the thing every month to keep plugins current. If I don’t, malicious code shows up in my scans and again I have to pay programmers to go in and clean my WordPress files. WordPress has turned into a hackers dream! Is WordPress on the way out? What are you moving to?

Creating a One Pager

Hey Guys,

I want to create a one pager with WordPress. My idea is to use different posts for displaying different sections on the frontpage. Is it possible to disable every following page, like category, tag, post and media pages. I want only the “/” page (and maybe the 404 page) to exist.

Do u know a plugin or a functions.php snippet that does that? I haven’t found anything on Google…
