Tablet for emulation, media, and remote desktop

I’m looking for an Android tablet for old school game emulation, videos, music, podcasts, and some remote viewing my desktop (managing more intense applications). I’m hoping for something in the 200 range but I’m willing to wait and save. Storage space is a plus, but an SD card slot would be better than built in memory.

Community will most likely be georestricted to the United States

That is the full first episode of HBO’s The Leftovers, and it is not available in India due to “licensing restrictions”, essentially making sure that Community will most likely be restricted to the United States, and possibly other countries if Sony is willing, like Canada.

To circumvent this ban, download Hola Better Internet a plugin or extension on Chrome, Firefox, Android, iOS, and IE. When you go to the page where Community is streaming, click Hola’s logo on your browser, and select a connection to the United States.

Since Yahoo Screen is completely ad-based, please consider turning AdBlock off on the domain.

I was thinking to switch to Android but iOS 8 gives me a lot of doubt on that. Help me to choose between the 2 OS [x-post with r/iOS]

I have currently an iPhone 4S bought in late 2011 and I was thinking to change it soon.

I was thinking to switch to Android. More freedom, bigger screen amd more possibilities attract me. To be honest, reading stuff about customization or Tasker or AirDroid for example seems pretty amazing (or just downloading directly on the phone, having a real file managemenbt system). However, customization and freedom are fun for a time but knowing myself,I could be bored with it in a few months/weeks. After all, I quickly stop the jailbreak of my iPhone because I just didn’t want to do the process (and also I didn’t really need it absolutely after iOS 7).

I would go towards Android any way but with iOS 8 coming, I’m in a big doubt. Indeed, the extensions will probably rapidly change the way to interact in the system (communication between apps) and it is one of my main gripes with the system. Apple has even opened its system to third-party keyboards, something truly surprising as I hadn’t expect Apple to do it ever actually (and that can evolve into more third party access in the future). Even widgets will arrive (I’m not really convinced of a great interest for them but I never really use them). In general, I’m really satisfied and excited for iOS 8 (I also particularly like the TouchID access for third party). It will also be apparently accompanied by new bigger iPhones which is a great thing. A 4.7″ screen (as often rumored) is a perfect size for me and knowing Apple, we can expect beautiful and at-the-top phones (though overpriced). Also, Metal for games (I don’t play a lot on my phone though) and mostly Swift for apps development could have a big impact: an app developped first on iOS (like many) could not be ported on Android because it requires to all code a second time as it is in Swift for iOS, right ? (I know almost nothing on development and coding so it’s maybe already the case to port from a platform to the other and they do it anyway).

I’m still attracted to Android but to be honest, some stuff I heard are “frightening”. Like inconsistent and less polished apps which comes after their iOS equivalent. I love the new material design for Android L but do the developers will integrate it soon ?

Also, a problem seems to be the resale value of the Android flagships and the updates. I will certainly keep my new phone at least 2 years maybe 3 and I want to be up to date and able to save some money on the next one by reselling it. The iPhones are expensive but they are good on these points (I will still be able to sell my iPhone 4S for around 250€, great to buy the iPhone 6, not the same resale value than the equivalent 2011’s Galaxy S2). For the updates maybe that’s not a problem with some custom ROM like Cyaogenmod but that’s not really a solution (I’m not sure I will use this kind of thing, if it’s too complicated, I will almost certainly use the out-of-the-box software).

So what are the truth behind these problems (apps inconsistent and less polished, updates problem) and how does Android compare to iOS (especially 8) and its “just works”, “better apps in first” philosophy but still restrictive ? What system would you counsel me ? I really want to try Android which seems full of possibilities but I’m quite intimitated by some returns on the poorer apps, the inconsistency and the updates only for a short time (less than 2 or 3 years). Also, by the apparent need to root/custom/use Tasker and all to exploit fully your Android phone, that seems quite complicated and time-consuming and I don’t know if I’ll like/do it.

TL;DR Really tempted by Android, I have doubts on some issues I heard reinforced by some attractives things coming to iOS (already on Android for the most part). Help me choose.

EDIT : Also I could maybe try Android for a time but for financial reasons I can’t go with a flaghsip phone and then change it soon after. Is a phone like the Moto G (in this range of prices) sufficient to judge Android ?

Can I root and install Stock Android on my S5?

I rooted my S5 and attempted to install Cyanogenmod 11 but quickly found out that my phone wasnt supported. Im pretty new to this so lets chalk it up to rookie mistakes.

Im looking for another rom to install as I sort of hate Touchwiz and all the bloatware on my phone. The battery life seems pretty abysmal. I run out of charge about 3/4 of the way through the day with just standard usage.

I had a google play edition HTC one that I loved, running stock android, which bit the dust into the ocean. Id like to get that experience back.

Is it possible to install stock android?

1 month in. It gets easier.

One thing that helped me get this far is the nofap app on Android. Also, it feels like im on drugs after not PMOing. Let me clarify. I used to do a lot of coke and e in my party days and ive stopped that stuff maybe 2 or 3 years ago. These days I feel like im on that same high! I get pleasure out of the most simplest activities and most fleeting interactions. Im quick to crack jokes at parties and everything just looks more vivid in color. Hard to explain really. Anyways, I cant go back to PMOing because I dont want to loose this high im on. Lookin forward to hitting 90 days. Wish me luck fellow fapstronauts!