Did WordPress get rid of image floating?

I build wordpress themes for clients from time to time and I just built a new wordpress theme the other day. I was about to turn it over to the client and explain how easy it is to change text and upload images with no coding knowledge, however…I ran into an issue. In the latest version of wordpress, it appears as though when you go to insert an image into your page/post, it no longer gives you the option to float it left or right. Instead it will only align left, right or center, which is a problem because it pushed the text down the screen, even if you are using a small image. I can obviously just write a single line of CSS and fix this, but for a client who has no knowledge of HTML and CSS, how do they float their images now?

What to Do after Removing a post from my Site ?

I removed about 10 posts from my blog few days ago by deleting them from site’s WordPress account. Now I see Google Webmaster showing link errors and I don’t know what to do I just asked few people to know what to Do after removing a post from my site but mone of them give satisfactory answer. Will someone here tell me what are the essential things to remove all links and other stuff from site so that it remain safe from any -ve effect ?