Fatal error: Class ‘Zend_Controller_Action’ not found


I had to add the path to the zf library directory to my php.ini and prepend
require_once ‘Zend/Controller/Action.php’
to my IndexController file to get it right.
Once the test created you could delete the require_once statement cause testing a zf app usually requires a context (resources) so in your tests bootstrap file you could enable the Autoload feature.
And i would love to have the chance of passing parametters to phpunit script like –include-path and avoid editing the php.ini
I think this should be a project not a global setting, in fact passing “PHP Include Path” from project settings could be a workaround.

If PHPUnit does not work

If PHPUnit does not work

You may find that ANT tests defined in some projects (e.g. ee_qa_planner_module) fail with the error:

Could not open input file: \xampp\php\pear/PHPUnit2/TextUI/TestRunner.php

This will stop the project from building successfully. To resolve the issue follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt
  2. Reinstall PEAR by executing c:\xampp\php\go-pear.bat and follow the onscreen instructions. If this doesn’t work continue on to the next step.
  3. Discover PHPUnit channel by executing c:\xampp\php\pear channel-discover
  4. Uninstall all versions of PHPUnit installed, for example: c:\xampp\php\pear uninstall phpunit, c:\xampp\php\pear uninstall phpunit/PHPUnit, c:\xampp\php\pear uninstall pear/PHPUnit
  5. Reinstall PHPUnit by executing c:\xampp\php\pear install phpunit/PHPUnit-3.0.0. Version 3.0.0 is the one running on the server